Where are we going?

Recently a friend and I were on our way to a meeting in another state. We put our destination in the phone and faithfully followed the directions. Finally, Siri proudly announced, “Your destination is on your left.” According to Siri, our destination was a small house sitting back off of…

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Last night at supper my housemates and I saw a really marvelous rainbow. We have a picture of the Emmaus meal on our dining room wall. Because of the arrangement of windows and mirrors in our house, the rainbow appeared as a glowing circle centered on the face of Jesus.…

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Active shooter drill

On the news last Wednesday morning there were scenes of the South Carolina school where parents were picking up their children after a 14-year-old started shooting. Why are children subjected to so much horror? How can 5-year-olds participate in active shooter drills? I remember that movie “Life is Beautiful” in…

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Reverencing Creation

Amid the cascading waterfalls, glacier-crested mountains and the plains of Southwest Canada is the quietness of absorbing the beauty of nature in God’s creation. The burnt trees and undergrowth speak of the fires that are needed for re-seeding and re-growth. But, above all of this, is the deep respect for…

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Red cars

A long time ago (in a galaxy far, far away) I lived in a parish convent and drove one of the two parish cars. One day I was running errands in the red car, noticed it was almost out of gas, and stopped to fill it up. That evening I…

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Peace Heroes

This past Sunday, the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, a good size crowd gathered at Riverscape in Downtown Dayton. We gathered to remember the more than 3,000 innocent lives lost that day to a senseless act of violence! We gathered to remember the courage of those first responders…

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From the Columbia Icefields

A couple of weeks ago near Jasper, Canada I stood on the Athabasca Glacier at the only proven triple continental divide. At this point the water feeds the streams that eventually flow into the Artic, the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans. What a moment to be at that source and…

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Never talk to strangers!

I like to watch Ted Talks. Once in a while one really inspires me. Today I watched Kio Stark talk about “Why you should talk to strangers.” Of course, everything I’d ever learned was about NOT talking to strangers. What would happen to the world community if strangers started up…

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The other day I read a physics book — one of those that are supposed to explain atomic mysteries to laymen. I read about quarks, loop quantum gravity, and statistical mechanics. Apparently, space curves. Time, which also curves, is an illusion depending on heat and probability. Electrons only exist when…

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What’s on your bumper?

One day last week, as I came to a stop behind a car waiting at a red light, my attention was drawn to the bumper stickers on the car in front of me. There were two bumper stickers! Within a matter of seconds I thought to myself, this person in…

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