
There is nothing more delicious than water in Alberta, Canada. It is from glaciers, rushing waterfalls, raging rivers. It has no flavor, no color, but that is what makes it special. To walk on the glaciers, boat and raft on the turquoise rivers and lakes makes drinking glacier water so…

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There is a place that I know of on the south side of Chicago, in the Back of the Yards neighborhood, an area plagued with poverty, gangs and violence. This place sits on the grounds where a Catholic church once stood and provided nourishment for those who came through its…

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Stinky situation!

There are few things that keep me from enjoying my coffee as I ponder the Scripture of the day sitting in the beauty of our backyard. It’s a nice backyard, lots of flowers, birds and various other wildlife including a plethora of cats. Recently, I have felt like a hostage…

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August 6: Our Destiny, a Sunday Scriptures blog

This year the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time gets bumped by the Feast of the Transfiguration — the time when Peter, James and John had a vision type experience of Jesus, transformed before their eyes. I’m a deeply invested cradle Catholic. I can’t imagine how wrenching it would be for…

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Memories of friendship

I’ve sat by the side of the bed of many Sisters over the years as they lay dying. Recently, however, it was a Sister whom I’ve known for almost all of my life in community and who became a fast friend over the years. With her death, I can’t help…

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Treasure seeking

This is the final week of six Gospels which focus on instructions to disciples and descriptions of the kingdom setting where they are to work. So this Sunday’s Gospel (Matt 13:44-52) gives us three additional images and lessons about the kingdom: you have to want the kingdom bad enough that…

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And a little child shall lead them

Her name is Hannah and yet, many call her by her label, “Developmentally Delayed” or “Special Needs.” Hannah engages, deeply engages, with the people around her. She wants to know the person’s name and always asks, “are you okay?” Hannah is deeply empathetic and will approach anyone in a wheelchair,…

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