Treasure seeking

pearlThis is the final week of six Gospels which focus on instructions to disciples and descriptions of the kingdom setting where they are to work. So this Sunday’s Gospel (Matt 13:44-52) gives us three additional images and lessons about the kingdom: you have to want the kingdom bad enough that you search for it and sacrifice for it — like the man buying the field with the buried treasure; you have to sort out, or discern, what things really are taking you toward the kingdom and which things are junk you need to get rid of because they are stopping your kingdom seeking — like the person separating good fish from bad ones in their fishing net; and you have to keep a rich supply of spiritual resources, old ones and new ones, to stay fresh and nourished on your faith journey — like the householder with his storeroom of new and old things. I experience that at different times in my life, one of these little lessons becomes more central. Sometimes during periods when God seems distant, I lose my desire to keep looking for the pearl of great price; sometimes I let my time get “frittered away” with junk business — too many computer games a day, for instance! Sometimes I look too much for the “next thing” — like the best new spiritual writer — when praying a rosary would be better for my soul. Does one of these little kingdom lessons speak to you this week?

– Blog entry by Sister Mary Garascia

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