July 2021

Bi-monthly e-newsletter giving witness to our Precious Blood Spirituality,
grounded in Catholic Social Teaching and Gospel values

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S.O.A.P. labeling July 2020
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Traveling with Mary

The Marian Pilgrimage commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati recently came to a close on June 19. It began May 16 with a Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Shrine in the northern part of the archdiocese and continued for 33 days, making stops at parishes in every deanery. A group of pilgrims carried a special statue of Our Lady of Fatima that was blessed by Archbishop Dennis Schnurr for the occasion.

I was able to walk for only a handful of days, but each day has its own story of the Holy Spirit at work. Men and women came out of their houses as we processed through neighborhoods; others pulled over their cars to offer prayer; and host parishes were most generous in their welcoming and hospitality.

I was eager to get the Sisters involved in any way possible. Knowing most Sisters likely would not be able to walk the four to 10 miles a day that were required, we sought other opportunities for engagement. Thankfully, the Sisters were able to make lunches to provide for the pilgrims. Read More

Partners in prayer with Dear Dinah

Over the years, Sisters of the Precious Blood have participated in the SOAP (Saving Our Adolescents from Prostitution) organization. In particular, we have helped with the labeling of soap bars with the National Human Trafficking Hotline (1-888-373-7888). The soap is distributed to area motels, where trafficked and other vulnerable individuals may see the phone number and be able to seek help. This project continues to be a very effective way to help those who want to be freed from prostitution and trafficking.

Abolition Ohio is another organization that addresses many aspects of the human trafficking issue in and around Dayton, Ohio. Precious Blood Sisters Patty Kremer and Marita Beumer regularly attend Abolition Ohio meetings. At a recent meeting, they heard of an organization, Dear Dinah, which aims to “create a safe place for survivors of human trafficking and to help raise awareness by connecting a community of people who are devoted to protecting and empowering the Dinah’s of the world.” Dear Dinah takes its name from Genesis 34, with the story of Dinah and the Shechemites. Read More

Answering the call to assist migrants

Catholic Charities USA has produced a 10-minute video that acknowledges the response of women religious to the Catholic Charities USA call to help welcome migrants and asylum seekers at the U.S. southern border. They thank all religious institutes who — through their prayer, donations and volunteers — are helping to ease the burden of this difficult journey to the United States that is being undertaken by many.

You can watch the video here. Many Precious Blood Sisters have served Hispanic populations as part of their ministry, in the southern U.S., around the country, and in Chile and Guatemala. Precious Blood Sisters have also traveled to the southern border in recent years to assist migrants who seek refuge in this country. Read More

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