Sisters of the Precious Blood Call for Congress to Act

SistersPB_Symbol_CMYKThe Sisters of the Precious Blood stand alongside other people of faith and of good will and compassion to urge Congress to protect the lives and futures of the DREAMERS* by passing the bi-partisan Dream Act of 2017. By no choice of their own these Dreamers were brought to the United States as young children who then lived their lives here in a way indistinguishable from the lives of American citizens around them: contributing to society, supporting the goals of the country, participating in efforts to make the United States a safe and prosperous place.

Threatening to break up families and to push 800,000 young people into an uncertain future, possibly in a country they have never known, does not manifest the better face of who we are as Americans. A country built on the backs of immigrant labor should continue to welcome and support those who come to our country and who contribute their best to make it better while enjoying the rights and responsibilities to work toward citizenship. As women of faith we take seriously the gospel call to welcome the stranger and care for those in need. We urge Congress to support not only the Dream Act of 2017, but also to address our entire immigration system in order to protect the human dignity of all persons and to welcome and encourage those who would come to love and serve our country as we do.

The Precious Blood of Jesus knows no limitations for whom it was shed. It calls us all to regard each person as precious in God’s sight and to work to protect that human dignity. It also calls us to reconcile differences, to find common ground in a common humanity and to work toward a just and peaceful society.

The Community Council of the Sisters of the Precious Blood

*DREAMERS refers to those brought as children from another country who would fall under DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

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