19th Sunday in Ordinary time, August 9: Storms, a Sunday Scriptures blog

In today’s Gospel story, the disciples are in a boat, fishing at night, and being tossed about in a storm. We all have times in our lives when we are tossed about by waves, and when it is natural to wonder whether God is paying any attention, or why God has left us alone. I remember times like this in my own life. And I remember times when as a pastoral minister I was present with new widows; with people going through divorce; with those who had lost jobs, homes or businesses; with families dealing with addictions, mental illness, murder, suicide, death of children; with people who had just received a terminal diagnosis. When Jesus comes walking on the water toward the boat, Peter sinks when he tries to come to Jesus. Jesus says: “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” If you are like me, you probably have a couple things you’d like to say about that! The message is clear: The Lord is in our storms, reaching out to help us, but He needs initial trust from us. He needs us to believe in his love and support. There are lots of reasons we find that difficult. In the end, I think faith rests on our relationship with the Lord. Like a child taking its first step — at the risk of unbalancing and falling — it is the reassurance of a loving presence that makes it possible to launch out from that clutched table leg! Faith is a grace that comes through relationship. Lord, please give it to us in abundance!

– Blog entry by Sister Mary Garascia

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