A Sister is someone who notices the pearl in another

pearlsSometimes people bother us, irritate us. Sometimes we have the grace to see the gift of the other person, her treasure, his pearl. Like all pearls and all treasures, you need to keep your eyes open to notice what’s special in people. I’ve read a couple novels lately by Fredrik Backman. One is titled Britt-Marie Was Here and the other was A Man Called Ove. Both are about seriously flawed characters who end up being so loveable to the reader. Ove is a curmudgeon; Britt-Marie is obsessive-compulsive. But other characters in the novels insist on finding something in them that is loveable. When they find and insist on the goodness of these two flawed persons, the persons begin to act more loveable, more whole. Even in our everyday lives, there’s always someone who can see beyond our complexes to the pearl within. Seeing the pearl in another person is certainly a skill needed for living in community, for living in family, for transforming strangers into friends, for building God’s Reign. As women who profess to be sisters to the people of God, it’s a good practice for us. Read these two books. They are wonderful!

– Blog entry by Sister Terry Walter

One Comment:

  1. Just finished a retreat with a focus on finding the good in others, particularly in those who annoy us, disagree with us, or just are different. It may be /is true that is precisely why God put them in our lives. Thank you for your message.

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