Thank you and best wishes!

Brenda Gabbard recently retired as food service director at Salem Heights, our central house in Dayton. While she served as a staff member for nearly 25 years, her association with the Sisters of the Precious Blood began in 1969 with her first after-school job: making trays for residents of Emma Hall, where Sisters receive skilled nursing care. Under Brenda’s direction, the Sisters have enjoyed delicious and beautifully presented meals for many years. Thank you, Brenda!

We also share our appreciation for Velma Frei, a Fidelity Home Health nurse who also has worked with the Sisters for nearly 25 years. In 2021, Velma was honored, along with Sister Nancy Wolf, as an outstanding caregiver at the Caregiver Mass at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral in Cincinnati. We wish you all the best!

— Story by Mary Knapke

Top, Brenda with her gifts, cake and cupcakes; Michelle Bodine photo. Bottom, Velma and Sister Nancy in 2021; contributed photo.

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