Sisters celebrate Christmas!

Salem Heights was beautifully decorated for Christmas. The the staff’s stockings were hung on the new fireplace, and the Nativity silhouette is a new addition to the entrance on Salem Ave.

The Sisters had their annual tree trimming and cookie exchange party on Dec. 12. There were 36 tasty treats to choose from, and 21 Sisters were bakers this year! Plates of candy and cookies were wrapped up for the priests who celebrate Mass in the Chapel.

Council, along with Sisters Gerri McGeorge and Arlene Hirsch, visited with Sisters Alice Schoettelkotte and Nadine Kaschalk on Dec. 14 at Emma Hall. After sharing an afternoon meal, Sisters Nadine and Alice opened their Christmas gifts amidst a lot of humor. They said they didn’t realize they were so good all year!

Sisters Ann Clark, Judy Kroeger and Marla Gipson visited with Sister Barbara Ann Hoying at Otterbein St. Marys SeniorLife Community on Dec. 19. Sister Barbara Ann enjoyed seeing photos of Sisters attending the many recent events in the community. She especially enjoyed her annual gift of pumpkin bread from Sister Ann and other gifts from Council. She was also proud to point out a pretty poinsettia in her room which was a gift from the Sisters at Salem Heights.

Top, fireplace at Salem Heights; second, nativity scene on Salem Avenue; photos by Sheena McCormick. Third, Sisters trimming the Christmas tree and Sister Eva Roehrich with the Christmas treats; contributed photos. Fourth, Council visits Emma Hall residents, clockwise, from top left, Sisters Marla Gipson, Judy Kroeger, Gerri McGeorge, Ann Clark, Alice Schoettelkotte, Nadine Kaschalk, Arlene Hirsch and Terry Walter; Sister Joyce Lehman photo. Fifth, from left, Sisters Ann Clark, Judy Kroeger, Barbara Ann Hoying and Marla Gipson; contributed photo.

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