Jan 6, Epiphany: a Sunday Scriptures blog

In 2019, the January 6th date of the Feast of Epiphany falls on Sunday; in other years the feast is “transferred” to the closest Sunday. Epiphany means a manifestation, an “appearance,” a mind-altering insight into something. The Gospel we read today is from Matthew’s “infancy narrative,” the story of the…

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Living Advent

Today’s Blog entry is written by Jenna Legg, who serves Vocation Ministry Coordinator for our congregation. Jenna offers a reflection on the struggle that often exists in responding to God’s call.  While Advent is usually expressed as a season of “joyful hope” and preparedness, I also believe there is a…

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Being a Meaning-Maker

At a recent liturgy, as I was reciting the familiar Trinitarian formula and signing myself, I became acutely aware of what I was actually doing. Too often these ritual signs become habitual and intentionality is lost. But this day I was struck by how an act of violence became a sign of…

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November 18, End Times: a Sunday Scriptures blog

It’s that time of year when we hear apocalyptic Scriptures, today’s from the Book of Revelation and the Gospel of Mark. This highly imaginative and symbolic writing was meant to both warn and reassure people facing death-dealing forces around them. So these Scriptures invite us to look at death-dealing forces…

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