March 27, Home: a Sunday Scriptures blog

On this fourth Sunday of Lent, our Gospel is the story of the prodigal son. If you are like me, the story is so powerful that I miss how this Gospel starts. A mixed audience has gathered to hear Jesus speak — “tax collectors and sinners,” and “Pharisees and scribes.”…

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March 20, Good Fruit: a Sunday Scriptures blog

Our Sunday Gospel in our year C readings contains two examples of tragedy. In the first, some Galileans had been murdered by Pilate; in the second, 18 people were killed by a falling tower. These tragedies posed for Jesus’ listeners the question we all ask: Why must innocent people suffer?…

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March 13, Glory: a Sunday Scriptures blog

In all three cycles of our liturgical year, the Gospel for the second Sunday of Lent is the Transfiguration. The first Sunday of Lent focused on our present journey to holiness which includes overcoming temptations and their resulting faults and sins. This second Sunday presents the final goal of life,…

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March 6, Temptations: a Sunday Scriptures blog

We begin our six Sundays of Lent with Luke’s Gospel account of Jesus’ temptations in the desert. Mark’s short Gospel, written around 70 C.E. (Christian Era), only says that Jesus was tempted. But about 15 years later, Luke and Matthew expanded Mark’s account by describing three different temptations of Jesus…

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February 13, Ethics: a Sunday Scriptures blog

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Luke pictures Jesus giving a significant sermon. It’s a sermon that summarizes things Jesus said during his preaching career about how his followers should behave, and we’ll hear another portion of it next Sunday. Over the years I’ve met a number of former Catholics who have…

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